This is my first attempt at tear bears. They are made from torn mulberry paper. They look like crap until you finish the details. I think it turned out very well.
These are burp cloths. They are diapers on the other side. I found them online. They were a special buy. I can not get any more of them. I used ribbon to make the little tags on one edge. They are stiched twice to make them secure. My little one liked to chew on them. The top one is reverse applique. I used my machine to sew the first line. I cut away the material, then finished with the satin oval applique. Then stitched the M. The bottom was stitched on the material before I put it all together. These are great baby gifts. Everyone seems to love them.
I will be making baby blankets and little comfy taggies for babies to snuggle with.
This is my first blog site. I am an avid srapbooker, however, I haven't had time the last few years. I recently purchased an embroidery machine. I plan on posting a lot of projects. I also like altered art.